
Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey hey hey!

Haha, I read my last post and I was like, "I won't leave you again, promise!" Wow, I'm such a liar, it's kinda ridiculous. A lot has changed in the past year or so, and I've just been super busy and uber lazy, and that's a pretty lethal combination when it comes to blogging, but I'm trying really hard to get back in the swing of things. Schools almost starting again, so yeah, I'll be busy busy busy, but I will TRY (being the keyword) to update once a week or so, and I'll post more pictures and stuff. This week I'm getting a vanity to store all my makeup and beauty products, so maybe a vanity tour will be my next post. I'm sorry for being such a slacking loser :/

I love anybody who bothered to read this post <3


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